
2025. gada sezonas LŪMSA biedru sapulce

2025. gada sezonas LŪMSA biedru sapulce un lielākās UIM noteikumu izmaiņas Latvijas Ūdensmotociklu sporta asociācija izsludina biedru sapulci 26.01.2025. 10:00 viesnīcas “Hotel Jūrmala SPA” konferenču telpās  LŪMSA biedri ir aicināti aizpildīt anketu un atzīmēt savas iespējas ierasties uz sapulci šeit. Līdz 22.01. ir iespējams iesūtīt savus ieteikumus un vēlamos tematus diskusijai uz asociācijas e-pastu info@latviajetsport.com vai aizpildot anketu šeit. Līdz ar jaunās sezonas tuvošanos, UIM (Union Internationale Motonautique) ir laiduši klajā 2025. gada sezonas noteikumu labojumu. Lai iepazītos ar pilno noteikumu izmaiņām aicinām doties uz https://www.uim.sport/Documents.aspx?type=1  Zemāk izcelti noteikumi, kas nozīmīgi ietekmē sportistus vietējās sacensībās. Ar šo izlasi var iepazīties arī šeit. Braucēju vecums For the 2025 racing season, the minimum age for Ski Division GP1 and Runabout GP1 classes is 16 years old. As from the 2026 racing season, the minimum age for Ski Division GP1 and Runabout GP1 classes will be 17 years old.  As from the 2026 racing season, a 16 years old rider having finished third, second or first in the final standings of a Ski Division GP2 or Runabout GP2 UIM World or Continental Championship will be eligible to participate in a Ski Division GP1 or Runabout GP1 UIM World or Continental Championship Klases Ski Juniors GP4 Ski Juniors GP4 12 minutes + 1 Lap Ski Juniors GP4 Maximum 15 riders Sacensību formāts The minimum number of turn buoys for a world or continental championship circuit race is 20. One or more alternative courses are part of the circuit (minimum 4 buoys – maximum 8)  Figures such as long laps or joker buoys are admitted, procedures to be announced at riders briefing Kvalifikācija LCQ 8 minutes + 1 lap (only when allowed by race schedule time constraints) The Pole position session will be run on a fastest lap basis.  When allowed by race schedule time constraints: If the number of registered riders is higher than the number of allowed riders, the riders will be divided into two groups by their numbers in the registration list, 1 st – 3 rd – 5 th (even numbers) etc. in group A and 2 nd – 4 th – 6 th etc in group B (odd numbers). These two groups qualify separately and will equally fill up the starting field for the pole position. A maximum of 4 places in the starting grid will be reserved at the end of the grid to riders qualifying in the “last chance qualify” session (LCQ), as specified at riders briefing briefing. The LCQ will be a racing session based on the fastest lap, with a maximum duration of 8 minutes. The riders entering LCQ will be the Last riders of the A/B groups qualify sessions.  Starts The starting grid for the first moto will be according to the result of Pole Position or lucky draw, the following moto(s) will start with the grid determined by the result of the previous one. Starting positions cannot be changed between riders. When instructed by the starter, all riders will line up with their AB in the correct order. The starter will show a “2” board (turn your engines on) and check all riders. At this point, riders on the starting grid have the chance (by raising the hand) to call a 2 minutes countdown if they need. If no rider calls the 2 minutes Countdown the starter will show a “1” board (ready to go) and will start the race from 0 to 5 seconds. When “1” board is turned on, there is no more possibility to raise a hand and to interrupt the start. After 2 minutes countdown has been carried out, no more interruptions (by raising the hand) are allowed in second start. “2” board signal and “1” board signal might be substituted by equivalent signals (I.e. lights or flags).  Kvalifikācija punktiem sacensībās To be classified in the final standings of a World or Continental Championship, a rider must participate in at least one round of the said Championship. Sodi Invading alternate course 2 laps  Not respecting safety demarcation buoys 2 laps Slaloma noteikumi Pole Position must take place on a slalom course. If allowed by race schedule time constraints, it includes a test run and 2 timed attempts. The top 4 from pole position in each category will participate in the finals at each event. Riders positioned in pole position as 5th will receive points for position 5th position = 16 points, 6th 15 points and so on as per UIM rule 310.03.  The Parallel Slalom will proceed by direct elimination in two rounds, one on each circuit. In case of an equality, a third round will determine the winner and the rider with the fastest qualification time will choose track. The rider with the best time will face the rider with the third best time. The rider with the second best time will face the rider with the fourth best time. The Starting position for the 3rd round will be decided by flipping a coin.  Moto 1 Semifinal 1 Qualified rider 1+3 Moto 2 Semifinal 2 Qualified rider 2+4 Moto 3 Final for places 3-4 The pilots eliminated from the semifinals Moto 4 Final for places 1-2 Winners from semifinal SKI GP4 Tehniskie noteikumi Aquabike competing in the Ski Division GP4 category must conform to the following criteria:  01) The maximum engine cubic capacity: Atmospheric, 4 Strokes, 1100 cc  02) Dry weight must be greater than 160 kg  03) Overall length cannot exceed 250 cm  04) Overall width must be between 50 cm and 80 cm SKI GP3 Tehniskie noteikumi Aquabike competing in the Ski Division GP3 category must conform to the following criteria:  01) The maximum engine cubic capacity: Atmospheric, 2 Strokes, 800 cc  02) The maximum OEM engine power: 85 Hp  03) Dry weight must be greater than 135 kg  04) Overall length cannot exceed 250cm  05) Overall width must be between 50 cm and 78 cm  06) Overall height cannot exceed 86 cm measured from the lowest point of the hull to the handlepole in its position

2025. gada sezonas LŪMSA biedru sapulce Read More »

2024. gada sezonas kopsavilkums

2024. gada sezonas kopsavilkums Trīs posmi – trīs rekordi: Ūdensmotociklu sezona noslēdzas ar vērienu!   Aizvadītajos trīs mēnešos Latvijas ūdensmotociklu sporta sacensības norisinājās trīs aizraujošos posmos – Liepājā, Aizkrauklē un Limbažos. Šī sezona ir izcēlusies ar rekordlielu dalībnieku skaitu katrā no posmiem, kas apliecina ūdensmotociklu sporta straujo attīstību un arvien pieaugošo popularitāti gan Latvijā, gan Baltijā. Katrā no posmiem sportisti un skatītāji varēja izbaudīt spraigas sacensības un lielisku atmosfēru. Sezonas noslēguma sacensības notika Limbažos, Lielezera pludmalē, kur piedalījās līdz šim nepieredzēti daudz dalībnieku – kopumā 63 sportisti, pārspējot iepriekšējos dalības rekordus. Latvijas ūdensmotociklu sporta asociācijas pārstāvji atzīst, ka šī sezona ir bijusi īpaša ne tikai ar dalībnieku pieaugumu, bet arī ar sacensību kvalitāti un augošo atbalstītāju pulku. Pateicoties tam, ūdensmotociklu sports turpina attīstīties un piesaistīt jaunus talantus. Latvijas ūdensmotociklu sporta asociācija izsaka pateicību visiem sportistiem, komandām, sponsoriem un līdzjutējiem, kā arī pašvaldībām, kas aktīvi atbalsta šo sporta veidu. Aicinām visus interesentus, sportistus un atbalstītājus piedalīties šīs sezonas apbalvošanas ceremonijā, kas notiks 26. oktobrī Hotel Jūrmala Spa. Šajā svinīgajā pasākumā godināsim labākos sportistus, atbalstītājus un pašvaldības, kas veicinājušas ūdensmotociklu sporta attīstību Latvijā.

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